Thursday, January 8, 2009

My daughter-in-law is great with child.....and it's a girl! Lucky her! Lucky me! Lucky us!

Kristina is married to my youngest son Ethan, who used to work as an electrician apprentice. But because of the current media-manufactured "false" economy, he was laid off a couple of months ago. Without work, they finally lost their lease and his little family of three moved into our basement....which is far from luxurious....but it's cheap, really cheap! But I digress!

Kristina is a beautiful girl. There's no denying that. But there's something about pregnancy that makes a woman......radiate with style! I noticed it for the first time as a young man and then watched my own wife turn from beautiful to glowingly radiant. They have a supernatural aura that no man can accurately describe.

When Kristina walks into the room, every one's attention is drawn to the "beautiful bulge"....not disrespectfully, but with awe! It's as though an angelic being has entered the room and no one can speak. We probably make her uncomfortable by staring, but that's certainly not our intention. I should tell her so. (I did!)

I love the way she presses and touches the baby as she walks....and sits. Sometimes, I'm sure she's just trying to get comfortable and other times she's just feeling her baby.

And she's a great mom. I love the way she talks to Alaia....never with baby talk or condisending. Alaia is their first child. My first, favorite, and only granddaughter, (so far) often talks to her little sister through her mama's belly. It's the sweetest thing.

We have only a few more weeks before the big day. To be sure, I do want to hold my new granddaughter, but I will miss the glow. I will miss those beautiful curves. I will miss the precursor to the miracle.....the wonder and mystery of new life packaged and growing so elegantly in the ever changing form of the "prego" female body.

Isn't it utterly amazing how a tiny one-celled amoeba, suddenly came to life several million years ago, and evolved by chance into the charming creatures we are so privileged to admire today?

Simply amazing!