Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Lookin' Out My Front Door" ~ For over ten years , I've queried friends and strangers alike as to the species of this blossoming tree. Anybody?


Some say it's a Tulip, but a true Tulip tree has large leaves that resemble the palm of your hand with three points where your fingers would be. Last week, a friend said it was a Summer Magnolia. "You mean, as opposed to a year-round Magnolia, like the one across the street?", I responded. "I guess so!" said he.

Still unsure. I have one in back with identically shaped blossoms, but its color is all white, rather than the purple and white "Orchid" decor. Unfortunately, the wind wrecked havoc for 3 days and 53% of the flower petals are scattered around the yard and piled in the corners of the patio. Sure smells good out there, though!

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