Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Still wet behind the ears.

One sign of maturity is being able to take a shower without getting ANY water on the bathroom floor.

Having owned a remodeling company for dozens of years, I know as well as anyone, what excess water does to building structures. Bathroom floors aren't designed to perform as swimming pools. And even swimming pools eventually leak and need repair. The best way to preserve a bathroom floor is to keep the shower and bath water INSIDE the shower or tub!

Small children are sometimes pretty wild in the tub. Mine were. Set a good example for them by drying the floor when they're done and teach them to do it themselves as they grow. If they prefer to shower, teach them how to seal the shower curtain against the wall. If YOU don't know how, figure it out. It doesn't take but a few drops everyday to break the caulking seal at the edge of the floor, which then travels under the floor and eventually into the framing members.

Some adults seem to feel the need to step out of the shower or tub dripping wet, shaking off the excess water like a canine. Try this. If you're unable to dry off in the tub or shower, wait a few moments before stepping out. This will allow most of the water to run off your body. Then use an extra towel on the floor. It's much less expensive to wash towels than to replace a bathroom floor.

It's your choice. The average bathroom remodel is about $8,500 nationwide. That would buy a LOT of towels!

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