Furthermore, how much more could hard working private sector Americans enjoy the fruits of their labor if the vanity of large government were eliminated?
What if the futile, useless, frivolous, needless overpaid government employees were put to work in the private sector where they would have to be productive in order to receive a paycheck?
Or what if Congress (perhaps ALL of DC?) and all staff were paid according to the average American income, benefits, and retirement?
What if criminals and perverts weren't allowed into any type of political office or related positions except at prisoner pay?
What if prisoners had to sleep in tents, eat from prisoner-tended gardens and farms, work at jobs that produce viable goods and services for surrounding communities, and be shot for non-compliance and immoral behavior?
And while I'm on the subject of waste, since I seem to see so much of it in my profession, what if we recycled lumber and metals from demolition projects and storm damage? Did you notice the huge piles of usable lumber thrown in with downed trees and limbs from the recent tornado cleanup?
It just occurred to me that too much of the problem of waste in government is due to a "Looter" mentality. "What's in this for me?" or "How much can I get away with?" or "Nobody's going to miss this!"
Why were there no reports of looting after the tsunami destruction in Japan? There's more "Trouble in River City" than meets the eye. There's a deep-rooted moral issue involved and it all stems from an innate and self-destructive mechanism we call Selfishness!
We can call it ego, a thirst for power, arrogance, greed, rich envy, poverty, pity parties or other excuses, but it's all selfishness.
What are your thoughts?
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