"He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need."
Indulge me for a moment while I jump around a bit!
CAN man rule himself?......or does he require another entity to rule over him? Or, for the sake of mankind, does he require submission to another entity?
This was the question put forth at the beginning of "The Great Experiment," the United States of America, the last Hope of the World.
For over 100 years, the kings of England had been stealing from the economy of a far away land, inhabited by groups of European descendants searching for freedom from tyranny.
As they grew in number and strength, and as self-destructive as it was, those who survived gained their freedom.
A pact was made between them and their Creator. They declared it to the rest of the world and invited those with the similar yearnings to come join them. And so birthed a new nation. The likes of which has never existed before among mankind.
But the questions about the rules of rulership go unanswered. As long as there are those who want to be ruled over, there will be men who will oblige. And wherever there are power-thirsty men who are compelled to rule over others, there will be those willing (or forced) to submit.
I believe the bulk of the issue comes to this: Are you willing to submit and be ruled by The Creator of ALL things? If you are, the question of ruling yourself or any other man or group of men is not an issue.
My prayer for Americans is that they will elect "leaders" who will return to the Constitution and allow free men, under God, to live, and move, and have their being.
For we are complicated beings. We have needs.....hopes, dreams, and desires and "stuff".....but an underlying need to be free and help others to be free, and to share freely from our abundance, without force, or coercion, or compliance to another man's rules.
The hope of a new and better life is found within all of us. Its manifestation will be seen either here or in eternity, depending on Who or what you put your trust in.
There's only One Truth. What is yours based on?
Lorenzo Lackluster
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